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ODR 2023 / Mar 17 - Apr 3 / Smartsettle Tournament

This tournament took place at the 22nd International ODR Forum held at Bengaluru (Bangalore) on 17-18 March 2023. This event has ended but you can still play in the next one.

Register here and start NOW (go here instead)

(this link will take you to the International eNegotiation Exhibition)

Participants will alternate roles of Bigbank and Debtor using Smartsettle ONE to negotiate the restructure of a debt to avoid going to court.

Participation involves a few short visits to the site at your own convenience (especially if you start now!). Watch in real-time as your score rises when you learn to collaborate! Achieve the top score and win a prize*.


  • Enroll now at the eNegotiation Exhibition

  • Join the free tournament event

  • Complete three learning modules

    • learn the basics about Smartsettle, mostly how Smartsettle ONE works, but also some general introduction to Infinity**

  • Choose "Negotiate with the Robot" (on the left side menu) if more practice is desired

  • Choose "Negotiate with Humans" (on the left side menu)

    • To start, click "Play as Debtor" or "Play as BigBank"

    • If no one else is online, wait for another human or invite a friend to be your opponent

    • While waiting for your opponent you may start another negotiation

  • Play in each role (Debtor and Bigbank) at least two times to get on the scoreboard

    • Remember that collaboration is the best strategy

  • Come back as often as you like to play against others and improve your score

  • Participate in the debrief announced in the modules


  1. Learn the difference between Avoidant, Compromising, Competitive, Accommodating and Collaborative and choose the latter. Do not be tempted to be too generous as a way of reaching agreement. Smartsettle can identify and will punish in low points.

  2. The best strategy is to play a few negotiations now to get on the leaderboard and then at least one more on the last day to avoid the no activity penalty.

* PRIZES: The top three conference delegates on the leader board at 4 pm UTC on the final day (April 3 (extended)) were awarded a cash prize of 20 000 Rupees (for the leader), 10 000 Rupees (for the second) and 5 000 Rupees (for the third).

** Smartsettle ONE is designed for the simplest possible negotiations (one numerical issue between two parties). It's also an excellent introduction to the concepts that are implemented in Smartsettle Infinity for complex problems.


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